2019.E23 - Drew Left Us The Keys

We finally got around to recording a podcast and mostly did it because Drew’s out of office this week and we are unsupervised children running around the (virtual) office in our underwear like Tom Cruise in Risky Business.

Now with that visual in your head.

We discuss a whole array of topics covering the Western Conference, Eastern Conference, teams Harrison got wrong and teams Ian got right. We discuss coaches being fired. We also discuss awards and how much they suck and who should get them to make them suck less.

We will return to you, the listener, and your questions in the coming weeks. So keep sending us your questions. Use the twitter hash tag #AskASAPod. Live it, love it, use it! You can hit us up on the old e-mail in the contact us page too!

Intro Music: Let's Go Get The Goal (MLS) - Don't Kick The Baby

Outro Music - Nothing Else - Nomand the Chong (feat Jax Anderson)