MLS Prediction Contest - We Have a Winner!

After two weeks of Major League Soccer wins, losses, and, this week, mostly draws, the best predictors were... [googleapps domain="docs" dir="spreadsheet/pub" query="key=0At6qSdpic03PdE4zOE12WWNlSm0zeVBnaXd6SnpDQ0E&output=html&widget=true" width="500" height="300" /]

MLSAtheist and timbertyler tied for first place with 13 correct answers each (out of 20). Normally, we would have gone to the tiebreaker to determine the grand prize winner, but MLSAtheist, a valued contributor to American Soccer Analysis, graciously decided to withdraw his prize eligibility. That leaves timbertyler as the winner of a subscription to MLS Live 2013!

Congratulations to timbertyler; maybe Portland will follow his lead and start amassing some wins of their own.