MLS according to g+: The Overperforming, the Underperforming, and the Ugly Part 3

MLS according to g+: The Overperforming, the Underperforming, and the Ugly Part 3

We have reached the conclusion of the 2020 MLS season, and it happens to coincide with the conclusion of the long, LONG 2020 US election. And the two things share a lot in common - first and foremost among them being the all-important question of “who won?” and “who lost?”

But when the contest is at its end, or a season is nearly over, hand-wringing and analysis is all that’s left - the ‘woulda-shoulda-couldas’ of the world that keep a veritable army of pundits employed in our country. The most important thing for these folks to look at is underperformance: how did we do this thing, expecting it would have a certain result, and not get the desired result? For the election, a few things obviously underperformed; namely, pollsters, who had predicted a robust blue wave that did not manifest; and Democrats, who faced a let down across the country, from the results of the presidential election in Florida to the Maine senate race between Sara Gideon and Susan Collins.

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MLS 2020 According to g+: The Overperforming, the Underperforming, and the Ugly, Part 2

On part 2, we begin to get into the numbers you’ve been raptly anticipating - the stuff that you can take to Vegas and possibly blow your next Coronavirus stimulus check on. Vegas likes numbers, but I’m not sure they’ve gone down the internet rabbit hole far enough to discover this website yet.

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The First Post

We're here, we're loud, we're here to make a difference. There is a lot to be said within the world of soccer or "futbol", especially when concerning analysis and analytics. Using what is available is kind of the name of the game. But the thing about American Soccer is that more than ever there is a lot out there that allows for--in the very least--a better way of achieving a whole picture.

None of us here have the answers, nor do any of us think we're going to come up with them. But there are a lot of smart people out there that sometimes go without being heard and our self proclaimed job is finding those people and try to give them a voice and have some fun doing it.

We're going to do a lot of things wrong, moreso than right. That's cool. You're going to make mistakes. The point in that is that you make the public you show what you...or we... did wrong and you show you correct or fix that mistake. Giving the process some transparency. Something sorely lacking in American Soccer and Analytics within the beautiful game.

For now this is just a site to host our podcasts and generally collect the little bits of wisdom that we've scoured the internet for. If you have find something good give me a shout.